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Visual Classes
Brought to you by Innovizual, our classes allow you the freedom to nurture your creative expression. The way we value visual arts, it is only right that we guide you to grow and create.

Our classes are taught by real working instructors, that regularly do business in their field to provide you accurate information.



In-person classes allow you to meet peers around your same skill level that can grow your creative or professional network.



The internet is great for learning on the fly, but you retain more information when you can ask questions and engage in the process.


Get Hired

Take what you learn from our courses and be able to apply that knowledge to get more jobs or grow your business.


Video Production Workshop

Get hands on experience and live demonstrations from the most versatile director out of Middle Georgia. Discover what it takes to do video production at the highest level!

Video Classes

Short classes that cover single topics per class, ranging from camera operation, to editing and color grading, to video for social media. Discover the secrets the professionals know!

Photography Classes

Explore the possibilities of photography. Different format classes will teach everything from how to use a digital camera, flash photography, posing, and editing, to photography business, licensing and copyrights.

Intern Opportunities

There’s no better teacher than experience. Fast track your creative career by jumping into the business feet first. Limited opportunities available, and applications are reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.